IPv6 Promotion Council
Site Policy
Thank you for visiting the IPv6 Promotion Council's web site (http://www.v6pc.jp hereinafter "this site"). This site is the IPv6 Promotion Council (hereinafter "the Council") official page. The site aims to contribute to the spread of IPv6 and the development of technologies related to IPv6, by publicizing and announcing activities of the Council and IPv6 promotion in general. Although the Council is supported by MIC etc., as the Council is an association of private corporations and individuals, not all of its activities are possible to announce on this site. Please refer to the following notices on operation of the site.

1. Non guarantee
Information on this site is uploaded as it exists, without any explicit or implicit guarantee. The Council carefully reviews information provided on this site for its accuracy, value, completeness, violation of right, existence of virus etc., however, the Council cannot guarantee the validity of the information. The Council does not take responsibility for any damage caused by utilization or by unavailability of this site. Contents of this site may be revised or deleted without notice.

2. Links to other sites
The Council is not responsible for the content of sites linked to from this site.

3. Links to this site
Sites that support the goals and objectives of the Council are welcome to link to the site. When doing so, please inform the Council Secretariat of 1) your contact address and 2) information on the site linked to this site. Do not link to this site in a manner that may mislead third party users (ie showing this site within a frame on your site). The Council does not take responsibility for any issues resulting from linking to this site.

4. Generally applicable conduct
It is prohibited to utilize this site for defamation of a third party, for any activity deemed to be offensive to public order and moral or to violate any right of a third party. Any utilization of this site violating law is also prohibited.

5. Acceptance of confidential information
Please do not provide any personal information, confidential information, or information owned by a third party to this site. We do not require such information and will not accept it.
Information provided by users is as assumed to be non confidential and not owned by a third party. Any information provided to this site, is done so under the understanding that it is approved to be used for any purpose- without limitation or restriction.

6. Copyright
Copyright on content- such as photos, images, movies, text-, logos, illustrations, layout-, design- and fonts uploaded to this site are owned and managed by the Council. Content should not be reprinted, copied, translated, transmitted, published, public transmitted, enabled to be transmitted, sold or leased without the Council's prior approval, except in the case of private usage or reference allowed within the scope of copyright law. This limitation applies not only to private corporations, but also to non-profit organizations and individuals.

7. Media coverage
Media reports based on content of this site are free to be conducted within the rule of the law-, however we ask that you contact the Council Secretariat in regard to the content of the coverage whenever possible. The Council does not take responsibility for misleading media coverage and will raise objection to coverage that is deemed inappropriate.

8. Applicable laws
This site is developed to respect all applicable law within Japan and International law applied to Japan. However, for site utilization outside Japan, we do not guarantee applicability to local law- in each country. For site utilization outside Japan, please refer limitation by the law- of each country.

9. Court of jurisdiction
For settlement of disputes in regard to the utilization of this site, Tokyo District Court is the court of first instance.